16 aprile 2020 giovedì. 20:37:03 UTC
It seems that,xx, is your password. Yet I know nearly anything about you. Your present fb contact list, mobile phone contacts along with all the virtual activity on your computer from previous 132 days. Including, your masturbation video footage, which is the reason why I am crafting this e-mail to you. Well the previous time you went to see the adult material websites, my malware ended up being activated in your computer which ended up documenting a lovely footage of your self pleasure act simply by activating your web cam. I have got the full recording. In the case you feel I am messing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 12 people you know. I want to make you a 1 time offer. Buy USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the below address: b***c1qwvz032nv2dwc27g4sfkg2gnphrewaq4xynlt77. If you send out this 'donation', Immediately after that, I will go away for good and never ever contact you again.
You have 24 hours to do so.
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